I’m Coming Out…A Christian Elopement Photographer

I’m coming out, but likely not in the way you would assume. In a world where terms like “boomer” and “bigot” have become acceptable slurs weaponized against people who choose to follow Christ, I’ve earned the right to “Coming out” as a Christian Elopement Photographer. Though, I never thought it would be something I had to do.

But in efforts to be obedient, brave, and a voice for those who have been shamed into silence, I will speak. For, I have waited and fought myself for far too long, staying silent out of fear. The backlash is bound to be great.

I’m Amberly, a Christian Elopement Photographer.

Cancel Culture’s Influence Over Christian Business Owners

The Bible tells us in more than one place that there will come a day when the world will hate us simply for being believers of Gospel. He reminds us again and again in the word that the world hated him first. Business owners over the last few years have been directly targeted and victimized for their beliefs. Leaving us all feeling the immense pressure to take on the beliefs of the world, and suppress our own.

Standing up for your beliefs has been a theme in recent years. It has been widely accepted so long as your beliefs don’t align with anything biblical, or directly contradict the beliefs of the large “Anti-Christian” movements. There has been an epidemic of widespread propaganda supporting everything that goes against God’s word.

2020 opened a floodgate for targeting anyone who chose to align themself with the Biblical truth. Rather than accepting the truth our government seemed hellbent on shoving down our throats. If you chose not to require masks in your establishments, or not to use one in public you were targeted. If you decided against getting vaccinated, you were banned from nearly everything.

No matter where you fall on the spectrum of political, religious, or personal beliefs it has become increasingly apparent that you can only stand up for them if they align with the agenda of those in charge. More often than not those beliefs are in opposition of those shared by Christians. This leaves many Christian business owners too afraid to claim their beliefs out loud, for fear of being canceled.

The Elephant In The Room

This topic has been the absolute hardest to confront and write about. I reckon I have written dozens of blog posts just like this one, and I have deleted every single one. As a Christian elopement photographer in the wedding industry, there are obviously a few topics of concern where my personal beliefs fall. It is incredibly difficult to have these conversations with people both in and outside of the photography space. Even more so within the wedding space.

Again, I’ve put it off for far too long out of sheer fear of public scorn. It has to be addressed. Let me start by saying this, my personal beliefs and how they govern my life are not a representation of how I think laws should govern people. I DO believe in everyone’s right to live their life in a way that is authentic to them despite my personal beliefs about such matters as marriage. I do not believe laws should prevent people from the freedom to live as they choose.

Beliefs vs Love

I also wish to say that I love each and every person on this planet no matter the choices they make or how I view those choices. I love beyond an understanding of my own. My acknowledgement of the word of God does not, will not, and has never gotten in the way of my ability or my responsibility to love people. Much as a parent can watch their child make grave mistakes and still love them, my love for people extends beyond the choices they make. I can both believe that your choice is wrong while also supporting your right to choose it anyways.

As a Christian, I believe marriage is a unification of two souls before God, and that comes with some other stipulations too. That kind of binds me to what the bible describes marriage to be. Therefore dictates the kinds of marriages I can be apart of.

A Duty To Serve

My choice to refer same sex couples to photographers that are aligned with their beliefs is just as much for them as it is for me. While I personally can not bare witness to same sex marriage as the word of God commands. However, I will happily refer you to a great and wonderful photographer. One who not only supports and stands for your beliefs, but who will also help you create beautiful memories and photographs. Because you deserve that! You deserve a photographer who is excited and invested in your marriage. I would be doing you a disservice to stand as a photographer or witness to a marriage that contradicts my personal beliefs.

For The Christian Couples

Choosing vendors to assist you in creating and capturing the greatest day of your life can be overwhelming. Sifting through the sea of photographers can be a daunting task to say the least. If finding a photographer whose passions and beliefs align with your own, it can be harder still.

You don’t have to accept the ways of the world, or choose vendors who do either. In fact, you can have vendors who share your beliefs. As a Christian Elopement Photographer my goal is to not only photograph each precious moment of your wedding day. I will help you to have the day of your dreams. If you should wish to incorporate elements of your faith throughout you day I will be there to support you. If a Christ centered elopement is the day you’re dreaming of, I can promise to help you have that!

Stand with me. Stand up for Christ, as he laid down his life for us. Do this by supporting Christian vendors.

I’m coming out, but likely not in the way you would assume. In a world where terms like “boomer” and “bigot” have become acceptable slurs weaponized against people who choose to follow Christ, I’ve earned the right to “Coming out” as a Christian Elopement Photographer. Though, I never thought it would be something I had to do.

But in efforts to be obedient, brave, and a voice for those who have been shamed into silence, I will speak. For, I have waited and fought myself for far too long, staying silent out of fear. The backlash is bound to be great.

I’m Amberly, a Christian Elopement Photographer.

Cancel Culture’s Influence Over Christian Business Owners

The Bible tells us in more than one place that there will come a day when the world will hate us simply for being believers of Gospel. He reminds us again and again in the word that the world hated him first. Business owners over the last few years have been directly targeted and victimized for their beliefs. Leaving us all feeling the immense pressure to take on the beliefs of the world, and suppress our own.

Standing up for your beliefs has been a theme in recent years. It has been widely accepted so long as your beliefs don’t align with anything biblical, or directly contradict the beliefs of the large “Anti-Christian” movements. There has been an epidemic of widespread propaganda supporting everything that goes against God’s word.

2020 opened a floodgate for targeting anyone who chose to align themself with the Biblical truth. Rather than accepting the truth our government seemed hellbent on shoving down our throats. If you chose not to require masks in your establishments, or not to use one in public you were targeted. If you decided against getting vaccinated, you were banned from nearly everything.

No matter where you fall on the spectrum of political, religious, or personal beliefs it has become increasingly apparent that you can only stand up for them if they align with the agenda of those in charge. More often than not those beliefs are in opposition of those shared by Christians. This leaves many Christian business owners too afraid to claim their beliefs out loud, for fear of being canceled.

The Elephant In The Room

This topic has been the absolute hardest to confront and write about. I reckon I have written dozens of blog posts just like this one, and I have deleted every single one. As a Christian elopement photographer in the wedding industry, there are obviously a few topics of concern where my personal beliefs fall. It is incredibly difficult to have these conversations with people both in and outside of the photography space. Even more so within the wedding space.

Again, I’ve put it off for far too long out of sheer fear of public scorn. It has to be addressed. Let me start by saying this, my personal beliefs and how they govern my life are not a representation of how I think laws should govern people. I DO believe in everyone’s right to live their life in a way that is authentic to them despite my personal beliefs about such matters as marriage. I do not believe laws should prevent people from the freedom to live as they choose.

Beliefs vs Love

I also wish to say that I love each and every person on this planet no matter the choices they make or how I view those choices. I love beyond an understanding of my own. My acknowledgement of the word of God does not, will not, and has never gotten in the way of my ability or my responsibility to love people. Much as a parent can watch their child make grave mistakes and still love them, my love for people extends beyond the choices they make. I can both believe that your choice is wrong while also supporting your right to choose it anyways.

As a Christian, I believe marriage is a unification of two souls before God, and that comes with some other stipulations too. That kind of binds me to what the bible describes marriage to be. Therefore dictates the kinds of marriages I can be apart of.

A Duty To Serve

My choice to refer same sex couples to photographers that are aligned with their beliefs is just as much for them as it is for me. While I personally can not bare witness to same sex marriage as the word of God commands. However, I will happily refer you to a great and wonderful photographer. One who not only supports and stands for your beliefs, but who will also help you create beautiful memories and photographs. Because you deserve that! You deserve a photographer who is excited and invested in your marriage. I would be doing you a disservice to stand as a photographer or witness to a marriage that contradicts my personal beliefs.

For The Christian Couples

Choosing vendors to assist you in creating and capturing the greatest day of your life can be overwhelming. Sifting through the sea of photographers can be a daunting task to say the least. If finding a photographer whose passions and beliefs align with your own, it can be harder still.

You don’t have to accept the ways of the world, or choose vendors who do either. In fact, you can have vendors who share your beliefs. As a Christian Elopement Photographer my goal is to not only photograph each precious moment of your wedding day. I will help you to have the day of your dreams. If you should wish to incorporate elements of your faith throughout you day I will be there to support you. If a Christ centered elopement is the day you’re dreaming of, I can promise to help you have that!

Stand with me. Stand up for Christ, as he laid down his life for us. Do this by supporting Christian vendors.


  1. Jesus hates you – everyone thinks you’re a cunt

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Ready to start planning your epic Elopement?

You are so close to living your best day ever!

Wherever you are in the process of planning your elopement, I want to be there to guide you! Planning your best day ever does not have to be scary or stressful, and I will be there through the whole process!

Hey I'm Amberly!

I’m on a journey of finding myself in Christ. Learning more everyday about who He says I am, and the life He has planned for me. In doing that I have come from a life of many struggles, and I think if I can give a little piece of myself to the couples I work with, maybe I can help them grow too.

I lost my father six years ago to brain cancer, and everything I thought I knew about life was flipped upside down. Then, when my daughter's father passed away, that happened all over again. I learned quickly just how much of my life I had taken for granted, or missed all together, because I just wasn’t living.

I stopped living for all the people around me, and started looking inward and doing things that helped me feel more alive and less like a shell of a person. I moved to Montana and picked up photography for the very first time.

As I grew as a photographer, I looked around at the wedding scene and saw so many people doing things just because the people in their lives wanted them to, rather than having a day that breathed life into them. I set out to change that, and here we are.

I want to help couples have the wedding day that I wish I had!

We want you to be a part of our story!