Can Christians Elope?

This is the looming question facing young couples following Christ today. In a world with new trends and new fads, and this unyielding urge to keep up with the Jones’ lots of young couples are eager to turn inward and opt for intimate ceremonies over big weddings. So, can Christians Elope?

Kate + Ryan eloping in Glacier National Park.

I think you’ll find the internet is laced with lots of opinions on this topic. Christian bloggers rally together to share their thoughts, and most of them will tell you to opt for a traditional ceremony rather than to elope. For a while, even as a photographer I was on the fence about this, but then i discovered the truth. God’s truth about marriage. What it is, and what it isn’t.

Together lets discover what God’s view is on Christians Eloping.

What the world says about eloping

I think to really get into the question at hand we have to examine how the world has seen elopements throughout history. What does it mean to elope?

If you search the internet you will be rushed with the overwhelming definitions.

It’s so clear to me when reading hundreds of definitions like this one why people feel Christians should NOT be eloping. This idea that eloping is a secret wedding between two people definitely doesn’t feel like it would be God’s intention for marriage.

After all, we are told to stand bold and firm in our convictions, and this often covers marriage too. We should not be hiding our unions or sneaking away for hidden ceremonies. That goes against the nature of God.

What eloping really is

The good news is, this is not what eloping means today. In fact, there’s often not anything secret about it. Couples announce their engagement and set a date just the same as if they were planning a traditional wedding.

So, that leaves the question, what does ‘elope’ mean today?

Redefining the word ‘elope’ already has us feeling totally different. This isn’t two kids sneaking away behind the back of their loved ones, but rather two people choosing to forgo the wants and desires of the world to focus on their own story, and do something that celebrates them. I think that is totally different from the latter!

What does the bible say

Lets start with what the bible has to say about marriage in general. What was God’s plan and intentions when he created man and woman.

Genesis 2:20-24 (ESV) 
The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 

I think its comforting and beautiful to know that when a woman is created she is done so in a way that is sure to compliment her partner. That when we are made and formed, God’s desire is for us to be a suitable partner for someone. Let’s see what else we can find.

Mark 10:6-9 (ESV)
But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

“They are no longer two but one flesh” I love how this verse highlights the intentions of God’s word. We will leave the homes of our mothers and fathers to become one with our partner. The good news is, this still happens when we elope!

For more verses about marriage click here.

Intimate elopement couple.

The first ever marriage

The first marriage we see in the bible is between Adam and Eve. It happens to be just the two of them…and God. This is the blueprint for marriage, and they Eloped.

Choosing to create a day centered around our ornate desire to be at one with our partner and our creator is not too different from the very first marriage we see in all of history. While the bible demonstrates plenty of ‘traditional’ weddings where couples boldly stand before their loved ones and vow themselves to each other, I just want you to know that’s not the only way. So, ask yourself can Christians elope?

We are free to worship in all we do

I guess the greater question is – do you feel called to elope?

We are called to seek Christ in all we do. To worship in all we do. While I think God speaks to each of us in unique and intentional ways, I think he knows our hearts and He smiles when we seek him boldly and authentically.

John 4:24
 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

I believe if you have a deep burning in your soul to elope, intentionally with God in your heart and at the center of your union, then you should do that. If you want to seek him privately with your new partner for life, and worship and vow yourselves before him, you should do that. I also think every time I join a couple deep in the mountains he created, and bare witness to their sacred union… I like to think God smiles on us.

Thanks for reading Can Christians Elope!

Want to know more about Christian Elopements

If your feeling called to an elopement and want to know how to have one in a way that honors God and keeps him at the center follow me for more. Future posts coming soon!

For now check out more content on the blog. Or just check out all my work at

This is the looming question facing young couples following Christ today. In a world with new trends and new fads, and this unyielding urge to keep up with the Jones’ lots of young couples are eager to turn inward and opt for intimate ceremonies over big weddings. So, can Christians Elope?

Kate + Ryan eloping in Glacier National Park.

I think you’ll find the internet is laced with lots of opinions on this topic. Christian bloggers rally together to share their thoughts, and most of them will tell you to opt for a traditional ceremony rather than to elope. For a while, even as a photographer I was on the fence about this, but then i discovered the truth. God’s truth about marriage. What it is, and what it isn’t.

Together lets discover what God’s view is on Christians Eloping.

What the world says about eloping

I think to really get into the question at hand we have to examine how the world has seen elopements throughout history. What does it mean to elope?

If you search the internet you will be rushed with the overwhelming definitions.

It’s so clear to me when reading hundreds of definitions like this one why people feel Christians should NOT be eloping. This idea that eloping is a secret wedding between two people definitely doesn’t feel like it would be God’s intention for marriage.

After all, we are told to stand bold and firm in our convictions, and this often covers marriage too. We should not be hiding our unions or sneaking away for hidden ceremonies. That goes against the nature of God.

What eloping really is

The good news is, this is not what eloping means today. In fact, there’s often not anything secret about it. Couples announce their engagement and set a date just the same as if they were planning a traditional wedding.

So, that leaves the question, what does ‘elope’ mean today?

Redefining the word ‘elope’ already has us feeling totally different. This isn’t two kids sneaking away behind the back of their loved ones, but rather two people choosing to forgo the wants and desires of the world to focus on their own story, and do something that celebrates them. I think that is totally different from the latter!

What does the bible say

Lets start with what the bible has to say about marriage in general. What was God’s plan and intentions when he created man and woman.

Genesis 2:20-24 (ESV) 
The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 

I think its comforting and beautiful to know that when a woman is created she is done so in a way that is sure to compliment her partner. That when we are made and formed, God’s desire is for us to be a suitable partner for someone. Let’s see what else we can find.

Mark 10:6-9 (ESV)
But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

“They are no longer two but one flesh” I love how this verse highlights the intentions of God’s word. We will leave the homes of our mothers and fathers to become one with our partner. The good news is, this still happens when we elope!

For more verses about marriage click here.

Intimate elopement couple.

The first ever marriage

The first marriage we see in the bible is between Adam and Eve. It happens to be just the two of them…and God. This is the blueprint for marriage, and they Eloped.

Choosing to create a day centered around our ornate desire to be at one with our partner and our creator is not too different from the very first marriage we see in all of history. While the bible demonstrates plenty of ‘traditional’ weddings where couples boldly stand before their loved ones and vow themselves to each other, I just want you to know that’s not the only way. So, ask yourself can Christians elope?

We are free to worship in all we do

I guess the greater question is – do you feel called to elope?

We are called to seek Christ in all we do. To worship in all we do. While I think God speaks to each of us in unique and intentional ways, I think he knows our hearts and He smiles when we seek him boldly and authentically.

John 4:24
 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

I believe if you have a deep burning in your soul to elope, intentionally with God in your heart and at the center of your union, then you should do that. If you want to seek him privately with your new partner for life, and worship and vow yourselves before him, you should do that. I also think every time I join a couple deep in the mountains he created, and bare witness to their sacred union… I like to think God smiles on us.

Thanks for reading Can Christians Elope!

Want to know more about Christian Elopements

If your feeling called to an elopement and want to know how to have one in a way that honors God and keeps him at the center follow me for more. Future posts coming soon!

For now check out more content on the blog. Or just check out all my work at


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Ready to start planning your epic Elopement?

You are so close to living your best day ever!

Wherever you are in the process of planning your elopement, I want to be there to guide you! Planning your best day ever does not have to be scary or stressful, and I will be there through the whole process!

Hey I'm Amberly!

I’m on a journey of finding myself in Christ. Learning more everyday about who He says I am, and the life He has planned for me. In doing that I have come from a life of many struggles, and I think if I can give a little piece of myself to the couples I work with, maybe I can help them grow too.

I lost my father six years ago to brain cancer, and everything I thought I knew about life was flipped upside down. Then, when my daughter's father passed away, that happened all over again. I learned quickly just how much of my life I had taken for granted, or missed all together, because I just wasn’t living.

I stopped living for all the people around me, and started looking inward and doing things that helped me feel more alive and less like a shell of a person. I moved to Montana and picked up photography for the very first time.

As I grew as a photographer, I looked around at the wedding scene and saw so many people doing things just because the people in their lives wanted them to, rather than having a day that breathed life into them. I set out to change that, and here we are.

I want to help couples have the wedding day that I wish I had!

We want you to be a part of our story!